Project Engage

ENGAGE was a European Commission project to give the students the skills to apply their scientific knowledge to real-life issues. We are re-publishing the innovative created by members of the Mastery Science team, working for Sheffield Hallam University.  ENGAGE activities have been used by 15,000 teachers across 11 partner countries: UK. Greece, Germany, France, Romania, Israel, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Lithuania, and Cyprus.

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Text neck
Short description New research suggests that smart phone use is seriously damaging our necks. Looking down at an angle places...
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Short description As people live longer the demand for new organs to replace failed ones increases. One possible solution is...
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Vitamin D
Short description This activity is designed to engage a wider range of students. Using the principles of 'science capital', it makes...
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To frack or not
Short description The extraction of gas from shale rock – hydraulic fracturing, or fracking – is widespread in the USA....
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Animal testing
Short description 1.2 million EU citizens have signed a petition for the complete ban of animal testing. Their argument being...
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