Gravity unit moves to Year 8
The gravity unit in the 5-year plan, has moved from Year 7 to Year 8. Why?
First, we have had feedback from schools teaching with Complete Mastery, that the concepts in gravity are some of the most difficult for students. Second, we have removed two concepts that previously made up a Year 8 unit - Earth systems.
We therefore thought it made most sense to delay the teaching of gravity until Year 8. This also evens up the number of concepts to teach in Years 7 and 8.
What are the implications? If you started using Complete last year with Year 7, then don't re-teach Gravity in Year 8. You'll find you have more time in Year 8. If you’re starting Complete Mastery now, we recommend leaving Gravity until Year 8. There is still plenty of material to fill Year 7, and students will benefit from more time to acquire and apply the concepts.
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